
How To Cook Country Ham Slices In Oven

How to Cook Country Ham Slices

Salty, Smokey and the PERFECT bite with a soft southern biscuit, yous'll want to know EXACTLY how to melt land ham slices for the perfect southern comfort food!

Two country ham biscuits on a blue plate on wooden table

Why This Recipe Works…

  • FAST
  • EASY!
  • Cheap!
  • Anybody needs to know how to get the MOST out of your country ham!

Here's How It'south Washed

Stride 1. Soak your country ham slices for 30 minutes in warm water to remove a piffling of the table salt.

slice of country ham soaking in water

Footstep 2. Drain the ham slices very well.

slice of country ham drying on a paper towel

Footstep 3. Heat a heavy skillet to medium estrus and add ½ tsp butter or oil to the pan.

A photo of oil heating in a skillet over a gas flame

Oestrus oil in the pan

Stride 4. Place the slice of country ham down on the butter and cook for 2 minutes on side one. Turn and cook for two minutes on side two.

three slices of country ham frying in a skillet with red towel

how to cook land ham

STEP five. Serve with a hot biscuit and some gravy! You won't be deplorable!

A blue cup of red eye gravy pouring over three pieces of country ham on a white plate

how to cook country ham slices

How to Cook Country Ham Slices

Rinse the country ham to remove some of the salty gustatory modality. Dry out well, melt with a little butter in a medium temp frying pan over medium heat for 2 minutes son ane side and ii minutes on the other side.

What Practise I Serve with Land Ham Slices?

You volition always want to serve a great biscuit! Effort either these fabricated from scratch Southern Buttermilk Biscuits OR i of these 10x biscuits! You lot'll besides desire some Ruby-red Centre Gravy. We besides love these Pecan Waffles and Breakfast Goulash!

Oft Asked Questions about How to Cook Country Ham Slices

Do I Have To Soak Country Ham Earlier I Cook Information technology?

Actually, this depends on your own tastes. My family finds state ham as well salty if we don't soak the slices outset in some warm water for 30 minutes. If you adopt the super salty gustatory modality, then by all means, simply skip that step and motion forward with the recipe.

How Exercise I Soak State Ham Earlier Cooking It?

Fill up a large bowl with warm water to ¾ full. Place the ham slices into the water and allow to soak for 30 minutes. Dry out the ham well before cooking.

Is It Safe to Swallow Country Ham Raw?

And then, country ham has been cured with salt but it hasn't been cooked. I recommend cooking the ham first earlier eating it. That is as well what my package of state ham says on the package material. Don't believe me, cheque out the USDA.

What Exercise Yous Exercise With Country Ham?

Most people eat country ham slices on a biscuit or sandwich like you would a slice of city ham. Country ham can likewise be added to green beans, pinto beans or the like for flavoring. Country ham can be served every bit a meat at a meal fourth dimension like bacon.

Practice I Need to Cut the Fat From Country Ham Before Cooking It?

No, do not endeavor to trim the fat from country ham before cooking it. You'll need it to help melt the ham.

Can I Cook Land Ham in the Oven?

Yes, you tin can. Bake the ham slices on a baking canvass at 350 for 5 minutes per side.

Can I Cook Country Ham On The Grill?

Yes, you admittedly can. You lot may want to apply a pan on the grill then that the skinny country ham slices don't sideslip through the grates. Cook for 45 seconds per side on a 350 degree grill.

Tin can I Freeze State Ham?

Yes, y'all can freeze your country ham either before you melt information technology or later on. Put in a freezer safety container and freeze for up to iii months.

How Long Does Country Ham Keep?

  • Country ham that is uncooked and in the plastic shrink wrap parcel lasts a long time in the fridge. Go by the engagement on the packet.
  • Country ham that has been cooked is expert for about five days if kept refrigerated.
  • Uncooked country ham that has been unwrapped is practiced for at least 5 days if kept refrigerated.
  • A whole hanging country ham is dissimilar than the slices that nosotros are talking about in this post.

Open face country ham biscuit and one closed on blue plate

Tips and Tricks for How to Cook Country Ham Slices

  • Choose state ham slices that are shrink wrapped and very thin sliced for this recipe.
  • Soak the ham slices for up to 30 minutes before cooking to help remove some of the salty taste.
  • Make sure the ham is very dry before yous start cooking.
  • Don't add together whatsoever table salt to the ham until you taste it.
  • The ham volition want to curl while cooking, use your spatula to straighten it and concord it downward.
  • The ham will shrink while its cooking, so start with a large slice.
  • Serve with a hot biscuit or toast, this really sets off the taste.
  • Red Eye Gravy is the classic side dish for country ham and is and then easy and delicious to make, requite information technology a try!
  • Country ham slices are so thin, make certain you have several to serve per person.

PRO TIP: We really love state ham with pimento cheese!  Give it a try!

If You Enjoyed This Ham Recipe, You Might Besides Relish…

  • How to Cook a Spiral Ham
  • Cheesy Ham Tomato plant Sauce

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Two country ham biscuits on a blue plate on wooden table

  • ½ tsp butter
  • .25 lb Land ham slices
  • Unwrap the country ham and separate the slices.

  • Soak the slices in a bowl ¾ full of warm water for 30 minutes.

  • Remove the slices from the h2o and dry well.

  • Oestrus a skillet over medium oestrus until the skillet is hot.

  • Add ½ tsp of butter to the pan and immediately place the slice of country ham down on the butter. Use your spatula to hold the slice and so that it doesn't ringlet upward. Heat slice for to 2 minutes on side one.

  • Plow the country ham and repeat for 45 seconds - 2 minutes on side two.

  • Remove the country ham slice to a newspaper towel lined plate to drain.

  • Serve hot with biscuits or toast.

  • Choose country ham slices that are shrink wrapped and very thin sliced for this recipe.
  • Soak the ham slices for upwardly to 30 minutes before cooking to aid remove some of the salty taste.
  • Make sure the ham is very dry out earlier you start cooking.
  • Don't add whatever salt to the ham until y'all taste it.
  • The ham will want to whorl while cooking, use your spatula to straighten information technology and hold it down.
  • The ham will shrink while its cooking, so start with a large slice.
  • Serve with a hot biscuit or toast, this actually sets off the taste.
  • Red Eye Gravy is the archetype side dish for state ham and is so easy and delicious to make, give it a endeavor!
  • Country ham slices are and then thin, make sure you have several to serve per person.

PRO TIP: Nosotros really love land ham with pimento cheese! Give it a try!

Nutrition Facts

How To Cook Country Ham Slices

Amount Per Serving

Calories 73 Calories from Fat 45

% Daily Value*

Fatty 5g 8%

Saturated Fat 2g 10%

Cholesterol 19mg 6%

Sodium 341mg 14%

Potassium 81mg 2%

Protein 6g 12%

Vitamin A 16IU 0%

Iron 1mg half-dozen%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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